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Style Inspiration - Pale Purple & Gold

If there is one colour combination which I have loved and adored over the last few months, it is pale lilac or mauve paired with gold. I've not had a chance to wear the combo yet, although I will get to this April at my SIL's wedding! As it love it so much I thought I would hunt out some inspiring pics showing ways you can incorporate it into your home and your outfits.

Up above we have a lovely geometric patterned jewellery board which is just beautiful, sadly it wouldn't really fit in with the deco in my bedroom but I think it's gorgeous all the same. I don't think this pretty little perspex box would look out of place on my dresser however and I would just love this beautiful book clock to be sat on my bedside table!

Idol Eyes  -  Beautiful Iris  -  Crystal
Woodwinked  -  Nylon  - Goldmine

I think MAC offer the best range of purple shades and their metallics are always wonderfully shimmery so I headed to their site to pick our some purple and gold shades, the above six were my favourites and you can find them here.

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I know I've already featured amethyst necklaces a fair few times but I just adore them. I always have ever since I was little - whenever we would go to the New Walk Museum I would come back with some little shards of amethyst and pyrite in a little suede pouch from the gift shop! They're just so beautiful and delicate looking and I just love one of a kind pieces, it's like this pretty little semiprecious stone was made just for you!

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Kelly Osbourne has the best hair. I think she's just gorgeous and I always have mega outfit envy, although it does seem like she can fly off the handle a little too easily... These other silvery purple do's are just dreamy too!

Pervette  -  Up The Amp  - Odyssey
Viva Glam VI  -  Rebel  -  Cultured

We're back with MAC, this time with with some gorgeous lipsticks and lipglasses in perfect plummy tones.

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Finally I wanted to share these two beautiful nail looks that I found a few days ago, I'm going to give the top one a go for the wedding for sure!

Do you have any favourite colour combos?

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