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Recipe Roundup

Hi loves! I'm here sharing some of the recipes that have caught my eye recently while I've been trying to add something new to our weeknight menus, there were so many that I've bookmarked I had a hard time narrowing it down to just a few!

First up are these Broccoli Parmesan Fritters from the food bible that is Smitten Kitchen. I love fritters of any kind (especially my sweetcorn version which you can find the recipe for here) as does my lovely Pete but as they're fried we don't tend to have them too often. These will definitely be made this weekend though!

Now, Pete loves cinnamon and I adore rhubarb, so this Cinnamon Layer Cake with Strawberry Rhubarb Swiss Meringue Frosting sounds like the perfect cake for us. I'm also a sucker for any dessert with more than two layers as they look so decadent and impressive!

It's a bit of a running joke that whenever we visit our favourite Indian buffet restaurant I eat about ten little shot glasses of the fruity aromatic yoghurt puddings they have at the dessert station, especially the pink rose water scented ones! I definitely want to try making these Kesar Aam Srikhand desserts which use mango puree and cardamom mixed with the strained yoghurt, although I'm kind of scared I'd eat the whole batch as soon as it was made!

There's a little Vietnamese cafe nearby that serves these lovely spring onion filled crispy pancakes that are cut into slices for dipping into gingery soy sauce and I adore them. I've never tried making them at home so I might give this Shrimp Scallion Pancake recipe a go myself soon!

Usually I'm not a massive quiche fan unless it's made by certain people haha, but this Fresh Herb Quiche from Martha Stewart looks dreamy and I try and cram as many herbs as I can into my cooking during the summer. Washed down with a Strawberry-Ginger Caipirosca on a hot weekend afternoon in the garden this would be perfect-a-mundo.

I've been on a bit of a pasta lull recently not really fancying it that often, but this Capellini with Chive Blossoms and Creme Fraiche looks fresh and zingy and exciting, not the heavy super sauced stuff we usually get over here in the UK.

Do you know what the perfect summer dessert is? It's pavlova. A crispy chewy cloud of meringue topped with a snow peak of softly whipped cream and a mountain of deliciously sharp fruit to cut through the sweetness and creaminess. This Pavlova with Rhubarb and Pistachios is definitely the next one I'll try!

Friday nights are made for cocktails and sweet treats and cinnamon rolls are very near the top of our love list. Gooey and soft and spicey and sweet, you just can't go wrong so I'll be whipping up a batch of these Overnight Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting in the very near future! I think an almondy orangey cocktail would be the perfect partner for these doughey treats so I'll be topping up the cocktail shelf with the ingredients for this Black Almond Cocktail this weekend too!

Have you found any awesome recipes recently? Please share them with me if you have!
Kesar Aam Srikhand
Kesar Aam Srikhand

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